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Abdominoplasty surgery

The abdomen, due to weight loss, weight gain, weight loss or pregnancies, is one of the areas of the body subject to blemishes and sagging skin is one of those that is experienced with greater discomfort, both by men and women.

Events such as pregnancy or bariatric surgery cause the loss of natural skin elasticity, leading to relaxation of the abdominal wall and sagging of the skin.

To make your abdomen toned again and remove fat accumulations, you can useabdominoplasty. With this procedure you can, in fact, fix a flabby belly with excess tissue, eliminating the skin and, combining liposuction of the hips, the excess fat to restore tone to the muscle wall, thus obtaining a flat stomach.

Abdominoplasty: who is it for?

It is an operation suitable for both men and women who, despite being in good physical shape, have a laxity of the abdominal wall, a significant accumulation of fat in the belly or who, following a strong weight loss, find themselves with excess skin on the belly. 

Although it is an operation capable of significantly improving the patient's physical fitness, it is not intended as a substitute for a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet or as a way to lose weight quickly. For the surgery to be successful, it is recommended to undergo it after reaching your ideal weight.

Abdominoplasty surgery consists of the removal of excess skin and adipose tissues found in the lower part of the abdomen. Through particular muscle suturing techniques it is able to strengthen the abdominal wall, giving tone to the muscles and correcting where the diastasis of the rectus muscles is present.
Eliminating excess tissue from the lower abdomen also allows for improvement skin blemishes such as scars and stretch marks present in the lower quadrants, which are removed during the operation, very frequent in patients who undergo this procedure.

How does the abdominoplasty procedure take place?

The standard surgical technique involves incising the abdomen from side to side and just above the pubic area: this is a very low incision that can easily be covered by even a small undergarment.
The skin is detached from the abdominal wall to reveal the muscle band, which is repositioned by eliminating the excess tissue and pulling the flaps downwards, and the navel is isolated and repositioned in its natural location. If the patient presents the diastasis recti muscles, the muscle margins along the midline are brought together and sutured.

The operation then proceeds with downward traction of the abdominal wall, cutting the excess skin and closing the margins and concludes with the repositioning of the navel and the positioning of suction drains. As soon as the operation is finished, a compressive bandage is applied, which after 48 hours will be removed and replaced with an elastic support girdle, which must be worn for the following 30 days.

How long does convalescence last?

The operation is performed under general anesthesia, lasts two to three hours and usually requires a couple of days of hospitalization. The convalescence of the abdominoplasty lasts a couple of days, in which absolute rest is recommended. After approximately 7-10 days you can resume work activity while for sports it is advisable to wait at least 40. 

The residual scars will be two and with the passage of time less and less visible: a "gull wing" above the pubis, easily concealable under a pair of briefs, and the other above the navel.

For the success of the operation and to avoid risks with abdominoplasty it is necessary for the patient to observe all post-operative instructions given by the plastic surgeon, such as avoiding inappropriate movements and exposure to the sun. The outcome also depends on subjective factors such as the patient's initial clinical condition and his healing capacity.

The result of the abdominoplasty will be achieved and maintained also thanks to the help of a balanced diet and moderate physical activity.

For more information on breast augmentation in Rome or breast augmentation in Milan and its costs contact me on Whatsapp for a consultation in one of my offices, also present in Caserta and Den Haag (NL).

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