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Crural lift

What is it about?
The crural lift consists of an operation to remove excess skin, subcutaneous and adipose tissues (dermo-adipose lipectomy) located on the inner part of the thighs, in order to harmonize the lower limb with the rest of the body and improve walking.
What should be done before the surgery?
An initial consultation with the plastic surgeon will help to eliminate doubts and perplexities, to understand exactly how the operation will take place and what all the options and possibilities are suitable for your case. In order to achieve an optimal result, the possible minimal variations of the surgical procedure will be evaluated based on the anatomical characteristics and needs of the patient. The visit is not binding and gives the opportunity to receive all the information and satisfy any curiosity regarding the surgical and post-surgical program, the drugs to be taken, the analyzes and checks to be performed and the costs.
How is the surgery performed?
There are two possible surgical accesses:

⁃ vertical incision on the medial aspect of the thigh and removal of a triangular shaped lozenge of skin and subcutaneous tissue with a lower apex. This approach allows the removal of large quantities of tissue and is therefore reserved for patients with functional as well as aesthetic needs (difficulty walking and intertrigo in the skin folds);
⁃ horizontal incision along the inguinal fold, in the genito-femoral sulcus and in the subgluteal sulcus and removal of an ogival-shaped portion of skin. This approach allows a smaller amount of skin to be removed and is preferable in the case of patients with exclusive aesthetic needs (the scars are completely hidden in the natural skin folds).

The operation takes place under general anesthesia and lasts approximately 3 hours. It consists of a first phase, in which liposuction is carried out on the surgical area to be removed and the adjacent areas, in order to best shape the diameter of the thigh and make subsequent skin removal easier. Once the liposuction phase is completed, based on the surgical approach chosen before the operation, an incision is made along the marked drawings and the portion of excess skin and subcutaneous tissue is removed. In the case of the vertical incision, a portion of skin of approximately triangular shape is removed, with the lower apex on the medial aspect of the thigh. In the case of the horizontal incision, we proceed with the detachment of the subcutaneous tissue of the medial side of the thigh, its lifting towards the groin and the removal of the excess skin. After an accurate evaluation of the symmetry between the two thighs, the definitive suture of the skin edges is performed. At the end of the operation, a compressive bandage is applied. The hospitalization will last one day.
What happens after the operation?
48 hours after the operation, the compression bandage is removed, the wound is dressed and the containment band is applied, to be worn for a period of 30 days. The removal of the sutures will take place approximately 15 days after the operation, allowing the wounds to be bathed; until then bathing and showering are not recommended. In the days following the operation, rest and limitation of movements, particularly of the upper limbs, are recommended. Work activity can be resumed after 7-10 days, and sports activity after approximately 30 days.
In the first post-operative days, the presence of slight pain, swelling, redness and bruising in the treated area will be normal. Post-operative discomfort can be controlled with normal painkillers and anti-inflammatories.
The scars?
The residual scars in the case of the vertical incision approach will be two: a long vertical scar on the medial aspect of the thigh, not concealable with bare thighs, and one along the inguinal and genito-femoral sulcus, hidden in the skin fold. In the case of the horizontal incision approach, the residual scar is hidden in the inguinal crease, genitofemoral groove and subgluteal groove. Initially visible and red, the scars gradually become very invisible over time.
The results?
The result of the surgical intervention depends on several factors: the initial clinical condition of the patient, the healing capacity and compliance with the post-operative instructions given by the surgeon: avoid inappropriate movements, abstain from sun exposure until complete stabilization of the scars and maintain an adequate lifestyle by avoiding weight gain and loss.
What are the possible risks?
Complications of the operation are rare but possible: hematomas and bleeding, infection, delayed healing of the surgical wound, hypertrophic scarring, modification of skin sensitivity.
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