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Wrinkle and Furrow Filler

Aesthetic Medicine
It is performed by injecting filling materials into the dermis
reabsorbable, with the aim of improving the aesthetics of the face,
increase the volume of lips or cheekbones or reduce deeper wrinkles (nasogeniene and glabellar). Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are available in different concentrations, to be dosed based on the type of correction to be performed, such as
treatment of nasogenial folds, peribuccal wrinkles, glabellar wrinkles, horizontal frontal wrinkles, so-called "crow's feet" or periocular wrinkles.
Wrinkle and Furrow Filler
The injections are painless, thank you also
an anesthetic ointment is applied before inoculation, and the treatment lasts approximately 20 minutes. The results are immediately visible and last between 4 and 6 months, depending on the product used. After the treatment session you can return to
their social and professional life.
Request a consultation
Together we will find the best solution to correct your blemishes.
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Via Germanico 79 - 00192 Rome
VAT number: 16739921001 - REA: RM1672829
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