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Lip Lift

What is it?
The lip lift is a plastic surgery procedure that allows the prolabium to be shortened through a small incision in order to permanently improve the projection of the upper lip.

By shortening the distance of the prolabe, the upper lip is raised, increasing the width of the vermillion which is erected and raised, making the lips more evident and full.

The lip lift is particularly suitable for those who have thin lips and want to have them more evident and defined or for those who have a particularly long prolabe and want greater harmony in the face.

It is a procedure also suitable for those who have a normal distance but wish to have more defined lips without having to resort to hyaluronic acid fillers. If, however, in addition to increasing the visibility of the vermilion, you also want to increase the volume of the lips, it is still possible to undergo lip filler treatment.
lip lift
Why is the intervention used?
The lip lift is a surgical procedure that aims to shorten the prolabium through a small incision, which over time becomes imperceptible, permanently improving the projection of the upper lip and the visibility of the vermilion.
By shortening the distance, a shorter prolabe is obtained that is in harmony with the face.
What should be done before the surgery?
It is necessary to undergo a visit with the surgeon, so that he can evaluate whether there is the right indication for the procedure.
How is the surgery performed?
The operation takes place in day surgery and under local anesthesia and lasts approximately 20 minutes. An incision is made inside the nostrils and at the base of the columella in order to shorten the prolabe by removing a small portion of tissue. The vermilion is thus raised, making the lips more evident.
What happens after the operation?
One week after the operation the surgeon will remove the stitches and dress the incision. The resumption of work is immediate.
In the first post-operative days, the presence of slight pain, swelling, redness and bruising in the treated area will be normal.
The scars?
The scar, inside the nostrils and at the base of the columella, will be absolutely imperceptible once healed, approximately one year after the operation.
The results?
The optimal result will be noticeable 2 weeks after the operation, although it depends on various factors, such as the healing capacity and compliance with the post-operative instructions given by the surgeon, such as abstaining from sun exposure until complete stabilization of the scars.
What are the possible risks?
It is an operation with few and very rare complications, although possible: hematomas and bleeding, infection, delayed healing of the surgical wound, hypertrophic scarring.
Cost and before and after photos
It is not possible to give an immediate answer to the question about costs, since every surgical procedure requires a preliminary visit to evaluate the cost. Before and after photographs are available on the page Instagram.
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