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Upper Blepharoplasty

What is it about?
The upper blepharoplasty operation is a plastic surgery procedure dedicated to the correction of imperfections of the upper eyelids and, in more severe cases, to correct the excess skin which can even go beyond the ciliary arch, creating a curtain effect that it decreases visual abilities and gives heaviness to the eye.

Upper blepharoplasty can be combined with surgery lower blepharoplasty in order to obtain a better result. Where necessary, surgery can also be performed eyebrow lift.
Why is the intervention used?
The eyes are a very expressive area of ​​the face and the gaze is one of the main ways of social communication. Upper blepharoplasty is the ideal operation to rejuvenate and brighten the gaze and face in cases of excessively relaxed and drooping eyelids, a "tired" appearance of the ocular area, a downward orientation of the corner of the eye, entropion and ectropion . Upper blepharoplasty rejuvenates sagging eyelids and eliminates bags, but does not have complete effects on wrinkles and eyebrow ptosis. In these cases it is necessary to combine lower blepharoplasty and/or temporal lift surgery.
What should be done before the surgery?
In order to achieve an optimal result, the possible minimal variations of the surgical procedure will be evaluated based on the patient's anatomical characteristics, considering the shape of the eye, the relaxation of the eyelid skin, the presence of wrinkles, the presence of fatty deposits (bags ), the shape of the eyebrows and the general condition of the face.
How is the surgery performed?
The upper blepharoplasty procedure takes place under local anesthesia and lasts an average of 60 minutes. The patient does not feel pain either during the operation or in the immediate post-operative period. The incisions on the upper eyelid are made in correspondence with the natural creases so as to make the scar invisible. After having removed the excess skin, the fat bags and having carried out any muscle modelling, the operation ends with the suturing of the skin and the positioning of appropriate plasters. Upper blepharoplasty can be combined with lower blepharoplasty surgery in order to obtain a better result. Where necessary, eyebrow lift surgery can also be performed.
What happens after the operation?
In the first post-operative days, the temporary presence of local swelling, mild pain, tearing, itching, dry eyes and sensitivity to light will be normal. This symptomatology is resolved with normal analgesic drugs and eye drops. The first check-up visit is carried out approximately 6 or 7 days after the operation. On that day all sutures will be removed. Normal daily activities can be resumed 3 days after the operation, while it will be best to wait approximately 30 days to resume sporting activity.
The use of any type of specific drug is not indicated.
The scars?
The residual scars follow the line of minimum tension of the skin of the eyelids and will be hidden and invisible in the natural creases of the eyelid.
The results?
The result of the surgery depends on several factors: the patient's initial clinical condition, the healing capacity and compliance with the post-operative instructions given by the surgeon. These indications are: ocular hygiene, cold compresses, use of lubricating eye drops, avoid the use of alcohol, do not use contact lenses and abstain from sun exposure until complete recovery. The result of blepharoplasty is obviously destined to fade over time due to the inexorable progress of the natural aging process.
What are the possible risks?
Complications of the operation are rare but possible: hematomas and bleeding, infection, delayed healing of the surgical wound, poor healing, modification of skin sensitivity.
Cost and before to after photographs
It is not possible to give an immediate answer to the question about costs, since every
surgery requires a preliminary visit to evaluate the cost. The photos
before and after are available on the page Instagram.
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