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aesthetic medicine
BELKYRA® is a non-surgical treatment for eliminating a double chin. It is a synthetic drug that simulates the
behavior of deoxycholic acid, a substance that degrades fat. BELKYRA® performs a cytolytic action, in the sense that it breaks the membrane of the adipose cell when it is injected, with the result of "dissolving" the fat, which is then reabsorbed and eliminated by the body.
Local anesthesia is generally not necessary. The number of injections required depends on the
needs and goals of each patient, it is estimated that 12 to 20 small injections per session are sufficient for most patients, performed in 2-3 sessions, to achieve results
optimal. Each session takes place, on average, at
within a month of each other. Patients with advanced cases of double chin may require up to 50 injections per session with appointments as often as every two weeks. The sessions in these cases can even reach 6.
The result of the treatment is long-lasting, as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle and do not gain weight.
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Via Germanico 79 - 00192 Rome
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