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mommy makeover

What is it about?
The expression “mommy makeover” refers to a series of surgical procedures, performed simultaneously, used to restore a woman who has faced one or more pregnancies to a figure similar to the one she had before becoming a mother.

The Mommy Makeover is a term that encompasses a series of surgical procedures designed to help mothers regain their pre-pregnancy fitness:

The Mommy Makeover can be customized to address each woman's specific needs, addressing a variety of issues that may arise after pregnancy, including changes in fat distribution in the hip and buttock areas, breast surgery, tummy tuck and problematic vaginal.

Combined operations are often performed, allowing multiple problems to be addressed in a single session, with a single period of anesthesia and recovery, allowing patients to quickly return to their daily and working lives.

Why is the intervention used?
Many women find themselves struggling with profound changes to their bodies after pregnancy and sometimes attention to nutrition and physical activity are not enough to regain the desired physical shape. The areas of the body most affected by this phenomenon are: the abdomen, with the appearance of stretch marks and loss of muscle tone; the breasts, which may lose volume, appear less firm and even change their position; the areas of the body where fat deposits have accumulated. The mommy makeover can help counteract these unwanted changes by combining the most appropriate procedures to restore women to their desired physical shape, help them feel better about themselves, and improve their well-being and self-esteem. The objectives of the procedures may include: correction of breast ptosis and/or loss of breast volume; the correction of the diastasis of the rectus muscles; the reduction of fat deposits and lipodystrophies; remodeling areas that need improvement.
The specialist visit?
During the specialist visit for the mommy makeover, the surgeon will discuss with the patient her objectives, the clinical conditions necessary to undergo the operation and the solutions available to her, their risks and benefits.
What should be done before the surgery?
Considering the particularity of this surgical approach, which requires the use of multiple procedures, a specialist visit is essential. An accurate evaluation of the patient and the possibility of performing the various procedures simultaneously is necessary. Another fundamental aspect to take into consideration is when to undergo a mommy makeover. In particular, it is important that patients have fully recovered from their last pregnancy and have finished breastfeeding (it may be necessary to wait several months after stopping breastfeeding). Furthermore, it is better to resort to the mommy makeover after deciding that you do not want to face other pregnancies soon.
How is the surgery performed?
Every woman who undergoes a mommy makeover has her own personal expectations; consequently, the mommy makeover may require different types of interventions involving different procedures. Depending on the case, deep sedation or general anesthesia may be necessary. The operation could be performed as a day hospital, but in many cases one or more nights of hospitalization are required.
What happens after the operation?
Precisely because the mommy makeover is a personalized intervention based on the objectives and needs of the individual patient, recovery times can also be different from case to case. They typically range from 1 to 2 weeks (during which there will be a need for help with daily chores) and patients begin to feel more comfortable with their fitness within 3 months of surgery. However, some swelling can last for more than 6 months. The final result can be appreciated in its best form after a year. After surgery, it is not recommended to lift heavy weights or engage in intense physical activity for at least 6 weeks.
After a mommy makeover operation, painkillers may be prescribed, which must be taken scrupulously following the doctor's instructions. While taking them, you may not be advised to drive. Furthermore, it may be necessary to take antibiotics or undergo specific therapies. Also in this case the therapy varies greatly depending on the individual case.
The scars?
More than a year must pass for complete healing of scars. The risk of them remaining visible depends on the procedures used and this will be a topic of discussion during your first visit with your surgeon.
The results?
Women who choose the mommy makeover will get a significant boost in self-confidence and will once again take pride in their appearance. The definitive result can only be appreciated after complete recovery and the disappearance of all swelling, and this phase can last from 6 months to 1 year. Furthermore, we must not forget that to ensure a long-lasting result for the mommy makeover, it will be important to ensure a healthy lifestyle that includes a balanced diet from a nutritional and energy point of view and regular physical activity.
What are the possible risks?
The risks associated with the mommy makeover, which will be explained in detail by the surgeon, depend on those of the procedures chosen on a case-by-case basis. These include, for example, hemorrhages, infections, difficulty healing incisions, hematomas, seromas, loss of sensitivity of the nipple, inability to breastfeed, rupture of prostheses, capsular contracture, scarring, fat necrosis, asymmetries, persistent pain, recurrent skin sagging, silhouette deformity, fat embolization, deep vein thrombosis and the risks associated with anesthesia. The surgeon will ask the patient to sign an informed consent to ensure that she fully understands which procedures she is undergoing and what the possible risks and possible associated complications are. A factor that could increase the possibility of risks and complications is tobacco smoke, which by reducing blood circulation delays wound healing. The consequence of this phenomenon is a significant increase in the risk of serious complications; for this reason it is necessary not to smoke starting at least 4 weeks before the mommy makeover. Even in the 4 weeks following this operation it is necessary to abstain from smoking. The best choice for your health is to take the opportunity to quit smoking once and for all.
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