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Lip fillers: how long does it last?

One of the questions I am asked most frequently when I have a lip filler with hyaluronic acid is “How long does lip filler last?”.  

In fact, it happens that some patients have had unsatisfactory experiences with treatments performed elsewhere before coming to my office and these only lasted a couple of months. 

In order to answer this question correctly, it must first be clarified that the duration of lip filler it is subjective and depends on various factors, first of all on the time it takes the body to reabsorb hyaluronic acid - as it is naturally present in our body and is absorbed by it - and on some daily lifestyle habits such as smoking, alcohol intake and exposure to sunlight, conditions which objectively reduce the duration of the filler.  

Another factor that contributes to the outcome of treatment duration is the type of filler chosen. There are many products based on hyaluronic acid on the market, different in brand, quality, cost and density of gel inside them. My advice is to rely on expert hands and use high quality fillers, also to prolong the duration of treatment as well as to avoid complications. 

How long does lip filler last?

In my medical experience, the fillers with which I found myself best in terms of quality and performance are those of brands such as Teoxane, Juvederm Ultra 4 and Restylane Kisse. Within these brands there are fillers with hyaluronic acid with different structures, structures that influence the duration of the treatment, and the choice of the type of filler I use is evaluated on a case-by-case basis, based on the patient's morphology and requests . 

Furthermore, in the case of the first lip treatment, the filler tends to last a little less, as it is reabsorbed by the body sooner. 

It should be noted, however, that each filler, if repeated over time, creates a sort of memory inside the lips, each time increasing the duration of the filler and prolonging the time between one touch-up and another. 

In the case of small corrections, the duration of the filler is shorter as the quantity of product injected is smaller, aimed only at correcting small asymmetries or creating a light filling.  

Since this is a non-permanent product, if you want to return your lips you will just have to wait for the natural reabsorption of the product. In fact, as the months pass, the injected hyaluronic acid begins to be metabolised and reabsorbed by the tissues and the lips slowly begin to deflate.  

Injections into mobile areas, such as the lips which are particularly vascularised mucous membranes, actually last less than fillers performed in other less mobile areas of the body, such as the cheekbones for example. 

The Duration of Lip Filler

Usually, after 8 months the filling effect of the filler wears off completely. This is obviously provided that excellent quality fillers have been used and the treatment has been performed by an expert plastic surgeon, capable of positioning the product in the right quantities and in the correct areas.  

Lip filler is a treatment performed in the clinic, lasting approximately 30 minutes. 

Although it depends on your personal pain threshold, it is not particularly painful, thanks also to the cream anesthetic that is applied before its execution. 

The result is immediate although noticeable in a couple of days, once the slight swelling caused by the small trauma of the microlesions has passed.  

For more information on breast augmentation in Rome or breast augmentation in Milan and its costs contact me on Whatsapp for a consultation in one of my offices, also present in Caserta and Den Haag (NL).

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