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The eyebrow lift for a seductive look again

Sometimes a tired and heavy look doesn't depend exclusively on excess skin
palpebral region but rather from the loss of elasticity and tone of the eyebrow arch.

A drooping eyebrow, in fact, gives the face a sad look and a tired expression, doing so
look older and less well-groomed.
The correct positioning of the eyebrow, which must be at or just above the rim
superior orbital, is fundamental for the harmony of the face and thanks to the facelift it is possible to lift the
eyebrow to bring it back to the correct position.

Il eyebrow lift it is a surgical procedure that allows you to raise the lateral part of the
eyebrows in case of loss of elasticity and tone, so as to obtain a more open eye and one
more seductive look, without changing the shape of the eye.

It is an operation suitable for anyone, men and women, with sagging skin tissue and
muscles in the periorbital region, and therefore has a ptotic eyebrow. This condition, in cases
more severe, it can lead to weight gain and therefore an increase in excess tissue in the
region of the upper eyelids and thus jeopardize correct vision, accentuating the skin curtain
which partially obscures vision.

The eyebrow lift can be performed using different surgical techniques, divided between approaches
direct and indirect.

The direct facelift involves lifting the eyebrow, along its entire length or in its medial portion, through the surgical removal of a portion of excess skin along the border of the hair and skin. In this way, after the healing phases of the wound, the very small scar is also obscured by the regrowth of the eyebrow on it.

The indirect lift, on the other hand, involves an access of a few centimeters between the hair in the temporal region, in order to lift and correct the ptosis of the eyebrow through the redistribution and lifting upwards of the excess tissue causing the pstosis. In some cases it is possible to perform this procedure endoscopically, thus having the endoscopic eyebrow lift.
In this case the scars are hidden by the scalp.

The choice of the type of intervention can only be assessed through a visit, in order to plan the operation
optimal way and choose the most suitable technique, possibly combining the eyebrow lift with
the intervention of blepharopalstics.
An accurate examination is, in fact, essential to determine whether there is an indication for the operation,
the possible presence of asymmetries and to evaluate the patient's expectations in relation to the results
objectively obtainable.

The duration of the operation varies based on the patient's initial conditions and takes place during the day
hospital under local anesthesia with sedation. Typically, the patient's discharge is possible afterwards
a few hours. When performed by an experienced plastic surgeon, it is a fairly simple procedure, in
capable of giving very satisfactory results.

The eyebrow lift does not present any particular complications other than the risk of recurrence of the lowering of the eyebrow or the appearance of asymmetries, conditions that can easily be resolved with a revision operation always under local anesthesia. The results of the operation last, in any case, for years.

For more information on the eyebrow lift and its costs, contact me for a consultation
in one of my studios in Rome, Milan, Caserta or Den Haag (NL).

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