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How to reshape your nose without surgery with rhinofiller

Reshape nose

Sometimes the fear of the operating room, sometimes the cost, sometimes the fear of an unnatural result act as deterrents in undergoing rhinoplasty, despite the desire to have a harmonious face, with a proportionate nose and a beautiful profile.

The solution is the Rhinofiller

A solution in these cases is given by rhinofiller, a non-invasive technique that allows you to sculpt the nose through the use of hyaluronic acid fillers.
Through a series of micro-injections, the fillers volumize and reshape the nose to correct small irregularities or imperfections.

With the company rhinofiller it is possible to modify asymmetric areas, raise the root of the nose or lift its tip immediately and relatively painlessly.
It is a treatment recommended for both men and women who wish to improve the appearance of their nose in a non-invasive way and with an immediate result, without resorting to a surgical operation.

Rhinofiller: how does it work?

The filler, by filling the irregularities where volume is missing, is very effective in the case of small aesthetic adjustments and, depending on the blemish you want to resolve, it can be injected in different points: at the base of the nose to make the nasal hump, better known as hump; at the root of the tip to raise it; on the bridge of the nose, in case of depressions or irregularities in the profile.

Since with the rhinofiller the irregular areas where volume is missing are filled, by adding more, the nose will not appear larger but only more harmonious. The injections, in fact, thanks to the skill of an expert plastic surgeon, correct the humps of the nose or slightly lift the tip in a completely natural way.

It must be said, however, that the rhinofiller it is not a technique suitable for all blemishes. In the case, for example, of a large nose, with a large or bulbous tip, or of breathing difficulties or turbinates, it is recommended to resort to a rhinoplasty surgery, an intervention capable of solving respiratory problems and correcting more important blemishes.

Rhinofiller: Does it hurt?

Like any other filler, it is a treatment that is performed in the clinic, lasting approximately 30 minutes. Although it depends on each person's level of tolerance, it is not a particularly painful treatment, thanks also to the anesthetic cream that is applied before its execution.

The result is visible immediately after the treatment although noticeable in a couple of days, once the typical swelling caused by the small trauma of the microlesions has passed.
It is a procedure that requires neither bandages nor specific care, and can be considered completed as soon as the injections are finished. Furthermore, since it is filler, you will not have any permanent scars or marks.

Normal activities can be resumed immediately after the injections, with the only precaution being to avoid using glasses - sunglasses or prescription glasses - in the hours immediately following. 

The duration of the filler is subjective and given by different factors, such as lifestyle or smoking habits, but above all by the time it takes the body to reabsorb the hyaluronic acid.
In any case, the fillers used for this treatment have a duration that varies from 10 to 12 months.

Since this is a non-permanent product, if you want to return to the original nose you will just have to wait for the natural reabsorption of the product.

For more information on breast augmentation in Rome or breast augmentation in Milan and its costs contact me on Whatsapp for a consultation in one of my offices, also present in Caserta and Den Haag (NL).

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