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Eyebrow lift

What is it about?
The eyebrow lift is a surgical procedure that allows you to raise the lateral part of the eyebrows in order to obtain a more open and brighter eye, without changing the shape of the eye. A tired and tired look, wrinkles around the eyes, a drooping eyelid may not be due to excess skin in the eyelid region, but rather to an eyebrow that has slipped downwards. The eyebrow lift surgery is often performed together with the blepharoplasty.
Why is the intervention used?
The eyebrow can appear ptotic both due to a congenital anatomical conformation and due to a descent of the tissues associated with the aging processes. The problem can be accentuated to the point that the eyebrow ends up cluttering the upper eyelid region.
The specialist visit?
An accurate pre-operative visit is essential to evaluate both the technique to choose and whether to associate the procedure with other interventions, for example an upper blepharoplasty. The visit includes the analysis of the position of the eyebrow, the possible presence of asymmetries and the characteristics of the forehead and eyelids. In addition to evaluating the existence of any contraindications to the surgery, the surgeon will discuss with the patient his expectations, the possible solutions, their risks and the results that can be achieved.
How is the surgery performed?
Eyebrow lift surgery can be direct or indirect. The direct facelift involves lifting the eyebrow along its entire length or only in its lateral portion by excising part of the skin located above the eyebrow itself. The indirect facelift, however, involves making incisions in the temple region. By proceeding in this way it is possible to lengthen only the tail of the eyebrow, but also lifting the skin located on the side of the eye. The operation can also be performed endoscopically. The chosen technique depends on the extent of the problem and the patient's characteristics such as age, hairline and skin type. Typically the operation is conducted under local anesthesia with sedation and discharge is possible after a few hours.
What happens after the operation?
After the operation, a dressing will be applied which can be removed after 48-72 hours. The removal of the stitches is, however, scheduled five days after the facelift. The operation may be associated with the formation of a slight edema, which tends to descend from the frontal region to the level of the eyelid. Changes in sensitivity may also appear in the same area, which tend to resolve in a couple of months, and bruising, which can be masked with the use of a concealer.
The use of any type of specific drug is not indicated.
The scars?
In the case of a direct facelift, a linear scar forms at the upper edge of the eyebrow. This type of scar is barely visible because it will be covered by the eyebrow itself: in the worst case scenario it will appear as a wrinkle. The scarring results of the indirect facelift are, however, masked by the presence of hair.
The results?
The eyebrow lift rejuvenates the face by eliminating excess skin and repositioning underlying muscles and tissues, giving the face a smoother profile. The expression is less frowning and the eyes brighter, for the total benefit of self-confidence. The results last for several years.
What are the possible risks?
The main complication is the risk of recurrence of eyebrow droop. Furthermore, asymmetries may appear. In both cases it is possible to undergo corrective revision surgery under local anesthesia.
Cost and before to after photographs
It is not possible to give an immediate answer to the question about costs, since every surgical procedure requires a preliminary visit to evaluate the cost. Before and after photographs are available on the page Instagram.
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