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What intervention to eliminate eye bags or dark circles?

Eliminate Dark Circles Bags

Oculoplasty is an extremely delicate operation that both men and women can undergo. It is one of those operations that also leaves no scars, and this is also why it is highly appreciated. There are times when eye bags/dark circles surgery becomes inevitable for many. The visa appears burdened, tired and the person no longer feels at ease with himself.

Ultimately, as a plastic surgeon I believe this is precisely the focus of every laser treatment or surgery: giving back to the client something that they have lost of themselves, from self-esteem to beauty.

We can say that the final result is that of a newfound youthfulness in the most important area of ​​the face: the eyes and their contour. My professionalism at the service of periocular aesthetics is a sort of alchemy. On the one hand, detailed technical knowledge is required, but on the other, the objective of each engraving is precisely the impalpable restitution of time. Creating rejuvenation is the focus of the Eye Bags/Dark Circles Surgery.

When to consider bag surgery
eyes/dark circles

Eye bags/dark circles surgery should be considered in all those cases in which you feel tired. The gaze has become waning and in the lower eyelid of the eye there is a slight or significant accumulation of fat which makes the gaze heavier. Women and men who come to me and wish to have eye bags/dark circles surgery notice a substantial loss of tone in the eyelid area under the eyes.

Very often this happens due to a predisposition, but it is also the advancement of age, a tiring use of the sight, that motivates the decay of the lower eyelid. Those who decide to have eye bags/dark circles surgery want a more relaxed look, and above all want to eliminate dark patches in the area under the eye.

These are present due to a natural degeneration of the tissue which, due to the excessive accumulation of fat, tends to create a depression of swelling precisely in conjunction with the tear trough. Improving this periocular portion is the objective of the eye bags/dark circles surgery.

How the eye bags or dark circles surgery is carried out

The transconjunctival blepharoplasty operation or eye bags/dark circles operation requires an internal incision, which is therefore completely invisible on the external part of the eyelid, on the face, and which allows you to have no visible scars.
This is the first reason why customers choose to have the procedure done. On a technical level it does not affect the skin of the face externally.

Once the eyelid has been incised internally, the operation aims to eliminate the excess fat that has settled on the tear trough. The operation takes place under local anesthesia and the administration of post-operative drugs is not necessary.

When carrying out a surgical operation it is always necessary to know the post-operative course, which in some way influences the normal daily and working routine. In the case of eye bags/dark circles surgery, this post-operation period is very short, and the person will soon be able to resume their activities.

Deciding to have eye bags/dark circles surgery means definitively eliminating those signs of profound tiredness that highlight aging. And this is perhaps why the intervention is in great demand.

The results of the eye bags/dark circles surgery 

Anyone who undergoes eye bags/dark circles surgery finds everything again the lightness of a radiant face and a fresh look, finally free from the signs of tiredness. The look is rejuvenated and the eyes acquire an unexpected brightness.

When I explain the procedure to my clients, and show them the images of those who have already undergone eye bags/dark circles surgery, their doubts disappear. The results are guaranteed and the intervention effort is very minimal, compared to many other surgical operations.  

After the operation no external scar remains, but only the natural smoothness of the skin which now no longer creates unsightly marks between the tear trough and the beginning of the cheek. Eye bags/dark circles surgery allows you to have the scar from the operation positioned on the inside of the eyelid, and this is very important to know. There will never be any visible sign of the operation.

The results are of a high standard and people who have undergone the eye bag/dark circle surgery have immediately benefited from significant rejuvenation. It's not just the eye contour that has improved, but the whole person gain youth thanks to eye bags/dark circles surgery.

When time marks the features of the face, and when one no longer recognizes oneself in the mirror, periocular aesthetics can help the person to find themselves completely again.

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