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What is diastasis recti

Muscle diastasis

There's been a lot of talk lately about diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles, a pathology that affects many women during their postpartum period but which can also be the consequence of significant weight loss or arise following previous surgical interventions. It is a pathology that can also affect men.

What is meant?

With diastasis of the rectus abdominis refers to the excessive longitudinal separation of the abdominal muscles, which, as they widen, move excessively away from the midline, also called linea alba. This, made up of a thin but very resistant band of connective tissue, serves to hold the right muscle together with the left one, thus competing with the internal organs.

During pregnancy, as well as in a globular abdomen due to excessive weight gain, with the increase in the volume of the uterus, the midline tends to thin and wear out, leading to separation of the rectus abdominis muscles, thus leaving a fissure between the muscles.
In some cases, this structure can be torn during surgery.

La diastasis, when it is a physiological consequence of pregnancy, in most cases it tends to resolve spontaneously within the first 12 months after giving birth, with the muscles partially returning to their previous position.

For many women, however, the diastasis it becomes a definitive pathology to be treated through corrective surgery, especially when the muscles do not close naturally and the distance between the rectus abdominis exceeds 30-40 mm.

How to recognize it?

In addition to various aesthetic problems - the most common are a swollen belly even several months after giving birth and the formation of a "fin" along the linea alba - diastasis brings significant physical discomfort, complications such as incontinence, umbilical or hiatal hernia, a sense of heaviness to the pelvic floor, lumbago and abdominal pain, creating considerable discomfort and discomfort for the patient.

Despite the numerous online videos on how to do a self-assessment, the true diagnosis of diastasis recti abdominis must be performed with a physical examination by a doctor, only through an ultrasound of the abdominal wall or via an MRI is it possible to accurately evaluate the severity, the presence of hernias even if small and, if desired, the thickness of the abdominal wall and, in case of a positive outcome for the pathology, it is appropriate to treat it.

Cases of very slight diastasis can be treated by performing hypopressive gymnastic exercises with the help of a physiotherapist, while cases of severe diastasis, i.e. when the separation of the rectus is very clear, it is necessary to undergo an operation in order to surgically close the the hollow that has been created between the muscles.

How is the closure surgery performed?

The intervention of choice is abdominoplasty with plication of the rectus abdominis muscles, an operation in which, through an incision above the pubis, the rectus abdominis muscles are brought together and sutured together through the reconstruction of the midline, in order to close the diastasis. The operation takes place under general anesthesia and can last up to three hours.

In cases of more serious diastasis, with risk of recurrence or with particularly weakened tissues, the insertion of a mesh, a prolene or polypropylene prosthesis used as reinforcement to fix the rectus abdominis muscles, can be resorted to. 

The abdominoplasty operation for the closure of the rectus abdominis, if the patient wishes, can be combined with body reshaping through liposuction or mommy makeover.

For more information on breast augmentation in Rome or breast augmentation in Milan and its costs contact me on Whatsapp for a consultation in one of my offices, also present in Caserta and Den Haag (NL).

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