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Sculpted body thanks to liposuction


Liposuction is among the most requested plastic surgery procedures in the world, with numbers constantly growing thanks both to the level of satisfaction that patients obtain from this procedure and to the constant development of new assisted liposuction systems, such as Pal Microaire, Vaser lipo and J Plasma, capable of offering increasingly high-performance results.

It is the surgical intervention that now allows the shape of the body to be remodeled through the total or partial aspiration of excess fat, which can be deposited in the abdomen, hips, thighs, back and lumbar region. , in the arms, in order to make the body profile more harmonious and long-limbed.

With liposuction, excess fat is sucked out evenly through the insertion of thin cannulae connected to a negative pressure aspirator, thus redefining the silhouette.

As a plastic surgeon, I personally prefer to use machines such as Pal Microaire which allow assisted liposuction and in which smaller cannulas are used, capable of offering better results and shortening operating times, thus increasing patient safety.

Liposculpture is an advanced liposuction, in which, through the use of microcannulas, it is possible to specifically sculpt certain areas of the body.

Through the use of VASER lipo (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy) liposculpture is performed thanks to proven ultrasound-assisted liposuction technology.
With this method it is possible to obtain excellent results even on patients already treated with previous liposuctions with poor results.

A big step forward was made with the arrival of the J Plasma, a revolutionary machine that combines the energy of radio frequency with the gaseous properties of helium causing a controlled and safe heating of the subcutaneous tissue in order to obtain a noticeable and lasting which allows greater redistribution of the tissues even in people with poor elasticity, thus optimizing the final result.

Liposuction and liposculpture are not indicated for weight loss or the treatment of obesity and should not be understood as a substitute for regular physical activity and a healthy and balanced diet. The ideal patients for the operation are, in fact, people with a stable and normal weight who have localized fat accumulations that are difficult to eliminate with physical exercise alone or resistant to diet.

Before proceeding with the operation it is necessary to undergo a thorough medical examination, in which the plastic surgeon will evaluate the patient's physical condition and illustrate how the operation is carried out, its feasibility and the results that can be obtained compared to expectations. answered by the customer.

The operation takes place under local or general anesthesia based on the size of the area to be treated and its duration is variable, up to a maximum of 4 hours.

In the initial phase, before aspiration, a solution composed of saline, local anesthetic and vasoconstrictor drug (to reduce blood loss) is injected into the area or areas of the body to be treated. At this point we proceed with the incision of cuts of a few millimeters and the subcutaneous insertion of a cannula for aspiration. Once the suction is finished, the incisions are dressed and compression girdles/suits are positioned which must be worn for at least 6 weeks.

If the patient wishes, the removed fat can be treated and reinjected into certain areas of the body to give them volume: if it is injected into the buttocks it is called the famous BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift), if the breasts are volumized, however, we talk about body contouring via lipofilling.

The patient is discharged the same day or, in the case of circumferential or total body liposuction, an overnight stay is expected and, after a week of moderate rest, normal daily activities can be resumed. It is necessary to immediately wear a containment sheath in order to help the drainage of blood and anesthetic.

Immediately after the operation it is completely normal to feel a sensation of swelling, discomfort and pain.

The treated area will appear swollen due to the accumulation of liquids: in addition to wearing the sheath night and day for the first month, it is advisable to undergo a cycle of massages or lymphatic drainage treatments to dry any collections of liquids in the treated areas.

The results obtained with liposuction are noticeable after about 3 months and, as a rule, definitive as long as the body does not undergo significant weight gain. For this reason, in order to maintain the outcome of the operation, it is very important to carry out regular physical activity and adopt a healthy and balanced diet.
The aesthetic results of body contouring are immediately evident, with progressive improvement in the first six months after the operation.

Liposuction and liposculpture are operations whose complications are very rare, although possible, and with a degree of satisfaction expressed by patients that is usually very high thanks to the absence of visible or significant scars.

For more information on liposuction in Rome and its costs, contact me on Whatsapp for a consultation in one of my studios, also present in Milan, Caserta and Den Haag (NL).

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