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Breast Augmentation surgery in Caserta

For all those women who wish to obtain a breast augmentation Caserta, the breast augmentation operation performed by Dr. Piombino proves to be the ideal solution. It is a plastic surgery whose objective is to obtain larger breasts, modifying their shape and size or correcting breast asymmetry, consequently improving the harmony of the body and one's sense of self-esteem. As is easy to imagine, even before subjecting the patient to an operation breast augmentation Caserta, the surgeon meets with you to resolve any doubts or concerns regarding the operation.

Breast augmentation Caserta: choose Dr. Luca Piombino

With the aim of achieving an optimal result, Doctor Piombino will evaluate together with the patient any variations of the operation based on her anatomical characteristics and needs. By viewing the woman's build he will have to evaluate the feasibility of her requests. This means that, in the presence of a thin and slender body, it will not be possible to request excessive breast volume which would compromise the harmony of its shapes. It should also be underlined that the visit to the surgeon's office is not binding, but offers the patient the opportunity to obtain all the information related to the operation, the drugs she will have to take, the checks to be carried out and the costs of the operation.

The choice of prostheses is made based on the characteristics of the patient's breasts and the objective you want to achieve. The prosthesis must adapt perfectly to the patient's physical conformation and the characteristics of her tissues, in order to obtain the most natural breast possible. The operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts 90 minutes. The patient will be kept overnight in the clinic for careful observation by the surgeon and her team. The intervention of breast surgery Caserta, since it does not affect the mammary gland it does not compromise its function, which is why breastfeeding is always possible.

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Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a breast plastic surgery procedure more commonly known as breast enlargement. More and more often, young and even very young women feel the need to enlarge their breasts.

Hybrid mammoplasty

Hybrid mammoplasty is a surgical technique that allows you to combine the
breast augmentation using fat grafts, for greater personalization of the operation.

Mammoplasty with autologous fat

Breast augmentation via autologous fat transfer is a procedure suitable for patients who want a moderate breast augmentation with a completely natural solution, without prosthetic foreign bodies. It is necessary that the patient has a sufficient amount of fat to allow sampling in good conditions.

Reduction mammaplasty

Reduction mammoplasty is a plastic surgery operation aimed at reducing and reshaping excessively voluminous and ptotic breasts or correcting breasts of pathological volume, such as gigantomastia.


Mastopexy is a plastic surgery procedure which aims to correct breast ptosis, i.e. the downward sliding of a breast which appears sagging and emptied, bringing the breasts back to their normal position.

Breast Revision

Breast revision

Breast revision surgery is a procedure that allows you to reshape the breasts of patients who are not satisfied with the results of a previous breast augmentation or reduction operation.

Symmastia correction

One of the complications, albeit rare, linked to breast augmentation with insertion of prosthesis is post-surgical symmastia, also known as the "unisine effect" or loss of the intermammary fold.

Tuberous udder

Tuberous breasts or breasts with severe asymmetries are congenital anomalies due to an alteration in the development of the mammary gland, characterized by an abnormal increase in the distance between the two breasts, by an evident asymmetry between the two furrows and by a very large areola-nipple complex , which can end up occupying the entire apical part of the breast.


The male breast is less representative than the female breast but, during puberty, adolescence and adulthood, it can increase in volume giving rise to what is called gynecomastia.

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