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Do you want to increase the size of your breasts? Here's who you can contact

For all those women who have always wanted a breast augmentation Rome, breast augmentation surgery is the most suitable solution for them. Certainly, the need to increase the breasts is one of the fundamental characteristics for requesting this intervention, for many women it is a need that manifests itself at a young age when, once development has finished, the breasts do not have the desired dimensions. In fact, many patients, not satisfied with the shapes that mother nature has given them, experience the relationship with their own body with great discomfort. This can create significant obstacles of a psychological and relational nature in daily life, deciding to get your breasts done.

How to choose the surgeon for breast augmentation surgery in Rome 

Since it is always an operation, although of an aesthetic nature, it is always a good idea to turn to professionals in the sector such as Doctor Piombino, best breast plastic surgeon in Rome, appreciated on a large scale. In fact, breast augmentation requires experience and consolidated technique and, as in all cosmetic surgery, meticulous attention to detail. The aim of intervention of this type is to arrive at a breast augmentation Rome of the breast size in harmony with the patient's size, constitution and preferences. You never want to upset the symmetries of the female body, so in a slender body it is unthinkable to be able to install too large prostheses that could create disharmony.

At the current state of the art, breast augmentation is performed using silicone gel prostheses whose construction characteristics, as well as the shapes, volumes and degree of projection, are easily adaptable to individual cases, offering the possibility to the patient and surgeon to be able to “personalize” this procedure. The aim of the intervention is not only thebreast augmentation Rome through the insertion of biocompatible silicone gel breast prostheses and the increase in breast volume, but also the aesthetic improvement of the shape and proportions of the part of the body which is the symbol of femininity. After the surgery, the patient will finally be able to feel more comfortable with her body, which at the beginning was only a source of embarrassment and insecurity.

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Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a breast plastic surgery procedure more commonly known as breast enlargement. More and more often, young and even very young women feel the need to enlarge their breasts.

Hybrid mammoplasty

Hybrid mammoplasty is a surgical technique that allows you to combine the
breast augmentation using fat grafts, for greater personalization of the operation.

Mammoplasty with autologous fat

Breast augmentation via autologous fat transfer is a procedure suitable for patients who want a moderate breast augmentation with a completely natural solution, without prosthetic foreign bodies. It is necessary that the patient has a sufficient amount of fat to allow sampling in good conditions.

Reduction mammaplasty

Reduction mammoplasty is a plastic surgery operation aimed at reducing and reshaping excessively voluminous and ptotic breasts or correcting breasts of pathological volume, such as gigantomastia.


Mastopexy is a plastic surgery procedure which aims to correct breast ptosis, i.e. the downward sliding of a breast which appears sagging and emptied, bringing the breasts back to their normal position.

Breast Revision

Breast revision

Breast revision surgery is a procedure that allows you to reshape the breasts of patients who are not satisfied with the results of a previous breast augmentation or reduction operation.

Symmastia correction

One of the complications, albeit rare, linked to breast augmentation with insertion of prosthesis is post-surgical symmastia, also known as the "unisine effect" or loss of the intermammary fold.

Tuberous udder

Tuberous breasts or breasts with severe asymmetries are congenital anomalies due to an alteration in the development of the mammary gland, characterized by an abnormal increase in the distance between the two breasts, by an evident asymmetry between the two furrows and by a very large areola-nipple complex , which can end up occupying the entire apical part of the breast.


The male breast is less representative than the female breast but, during puberty, adolescence and adulthood, it can increase in volume giving rise to what is called gynecomastia.


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