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Breast augmentation Verona

In the field of plastic surgery the Breast augmentation Verona It is one of the most requested interventions by women. Thanks to her professionalism and experience, Doctor Luca Piombino represents in this regard a solid point of reference for all those women who want to undertake this important path of physical change.

However, the transformation that arises from the operation does not only concern breast augmentation, but It also deeply affects women on an identity level. It is for this reason that Doctor Piombino follows each client promptly, always specifying that Verona breast augmentation it is not "just" breast surgery but a journey of profound personal change. And this is what we must prepare for.

The operation brings greater security to the woman, it enhances her self-esteem and redesigns the shape of the breast by raising the décolleté. Thanks to her intervention, the woman finds full and young breasts, firm and increased by one size. And it is for this reason that, for example, many of the women who resort to the operation do so because they feel bad about having small breasts.

The appearance of the breast after breast augmentation Verona

Thanks to breast augmentation Verona it is possible to increase the fullness of the breast and finally have an abundant but not vulgar or excessive décolleté. Many doctors operate on the breast, increasing it dramatically. This creates a false image of the breast itself, which can also cause psychological discomfort in the woman. There Breast augmentation Verona carried out by Doctor Piombino, instead aims to give the woman a breast that is certainly larger and fuller, but within the right proportions.

According to Doctor Piombino, breasts must always be the natural continuation of a series of overall physical curves. The breast that is created through a Breast augmentation Verona it must not break the general harmony of the woman's body.

When a woman undergoes breast augmentation surgery in Verona, she can expect uniform and compact breasts as a result, one size larger and bulkier, but also in perfect harmony with the rest of the body. The breast that, due to gravity or other reasons, was sagging is now transformed into a large breast, but in an absolutely balanced way.

Which women choose breast augmentation Verona

La Breast augmentation Verona it is the perfect operation for all those women who, following breastfeeding, find themselves dealing with empty and slightly sagging breasts. Every woman knows well how the body is also synonymous with identity. This is why those who decide to undergo the operation do not do so just for aesthetic reasons.

The women who turn to Doctor Piombino to carry out the operation are women who want to regain personal security and self-esteem. In fact, the operation not only has aesthetic results but also psychological implications.

It is precisely for this reason that the operation is also ideal for all those women who have one breast that is slightly asymmetrical and different from the other. In this case, the task of Breast augmentation Verona is to re-establish a formal balance between the two breasts, and increase the tone of the breast.

Generally speaking, the women who turn to Doctor Piombino for breast augmentation are women who desire continue to like and like each other.

Further details relating to breast augmentation Verona

There are many details related to the Breast augmentation Verona which is good for the customer to know right up until the beginning of the journey. It is precisely for this reason that Doctor Piombino welcomes women who wish to undergo the operation by explaining each step.

One of the most important aspects of breast augmentation Verona is certainly that of the prostheses. In fact, not all prostheses are the same, and it is always a good idea to agree on the best solution with your surgeon. There silicone prosthesis they are those that are best able to simulate the movement of the breast, both when the woman is standing and when she is lying down.

In addition to the anatomical shape you want for your breasts, it is a good idea for the woman to understand the entire medical process surrounding the operation. There's a operative course important to prepare for. A natural moment of downtime, which follows the first two weeks following breast augmentation Verona, should not be underestimated. In any case, for all the details Doctor Piombino is at every woman's side with the utmost professionalism.

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Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation

Breast augmentation is a breast plastic surgery procedure more commonly known as breast enlargement. More and more often, young and even very young women feel the need to enlarge their breasts.

Hybrid mammoplasty

Hybrid mammoplasty is a surgical technique that allows you to combine the
breast augmentation using fat grafts, for greater personalization of the operation.

Mammoplasty with autologous fat

Breast augmentation via autologous fat transfer is a procedure suitable for patients who want a moderate breast augmentation with a completely natural solution, without prosthetic foreign bodies. It is necessary that the patient has a sufficient amount of fat to allow sampling in good conditions.

Reduction mammaplasty

Reduction mammoplasty is a plastic surgery operation aimed at reducing and reshaping excessively voluminous and ptotic breasts or correcting breasts of pathological volume, such as gigantomastia.


Mastopexy is a plastic surgery procedure which aims to correct breast ptosis, i.e. the downward sliding of a breast which appears sagging and emptied, bringing the breasts back to their normal position.

Breast Revision

Breast revision

Breast revision surgery is a procedure that allows you to reshape the breasts of patients who are not satisfied with the results of a previous breast augmentation or reduction operation.

Symmastia correction

One of the complications, albeit rare, linked to breast augmentation with insertion of prosthesis is post-surgical symmastia, also known as the "unisine effect" or loss of the intermammary fold.

Tuberous udder

Tuberous breasts or breasts with severe asymmetries are congenital anomalies due to an alteration in the development of the mammary gland, characterized by an abnormal increase in the distance between the two breasts, by an evident asymmetry between the two furrows and by a very large areola-nipple complex , which can end up occupying the entire apical part of the breast.


The male breast is less representative than the female breast but, during puberty, adolescence and adulthood, it can increase in volume giving rise to what is called gynecomastia.


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